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Authentic Greek Salad

So yummy and healthy you will want to make it again and again!

This light and healthy salad reminds me of being in Greece many years ago. There is nothing like fresh, organic vegetables put together with REAL Feta cheese & a great olive oil. I suggest making it a few hours prior to eating so the flavors are infused. If your local Farmer’s Market is in full swing (or your own garden), take advantage of fresh organic tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers. Rule of thumb: The fresher the ingredients that are actually organic, the more vibrant the colors and taste. (Note: You CAN taste if pesticides have been used. If your food is dull, bland and isn’t rich in color, think before you eat.) If you can find the Feta cheese I suggest, this recipe is taken to a whole new level.

Fecha de Publicación:

January 28, 2018

Creado por: ♥ Tina Buenzli de Triumph Over Health

Tiempo de preparación:

30 minutes

Hora de cocinar:

Fuse flavors for approx. 1 hour in refrigerator

Tamaño de la porción:



  • 1 Medium/Large Red onion, chopped small (if you can find the bunch of 3 small red onions at the farmer’s market, it’s even better)

  • 4-5 Large Beefsteak or Heirloom tomatoes, cut into small pieces. If extra juicy, remove some of the juice/seeds so the salad doesn’t become too soggy (1 basket of cherry tomatoes will work too. If used, cut tomatoes in half)

  • 2-3 Large cucumbers, ends cut off, cut in half, quartered, then cut in small pieces. Cutting rounds in ½ works too.

  • 2 Bell peppers (I use 1 red and 1 yellow), cut top off, slice thin, then cut into small pieces

  • 1 jar Greek olives, pitted and halved

  • 6 oz. Feta cheese, crumbled with a knife or kitchen shears

  • 3 Tablespoons Extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 Tablespoon Braggs apple cider vinegar

  • Juice of 1/2 lemon (use 1 whole lemon if there isn’t a lot of juice)

  • 2+ teaspoons Oregano

  • 2 pinches Himalayan sea salt

  • Freshly ground pepper to taste

Note: Always presume all ingredients listed are organic and/or as natural as can be (GMO and pesticide free).

Note: It's easy to get confused when reading food labels today. To save you research time and frustration, I have linked as often as possible to my favorite brands. These same products and 1000's more can be found HERE. My favorite non-toxic kitchen equipment is also linked below, as well as many more HERE.

Herramientas de cocina:


  1. This is an extremely easy salad recipe to make. You can easily adjust it to feed more people, or less. It is also forgiving if you don’t want to measure every little ingredient, which makes it simple to throw together for a weeknight meal or for when having company.

  2. Throw all the vegetables, olives and cheese into a serving bowl. Toss lightly.

  3. In a measuring cup, add together the oil, vinegar, lemon juice and seasoning.

  4. Whisk together until thoroughly blended.

  5. Pour the liquid over all the vegetables. Toss until all ingredients are coated.

  6. Cover and refrigerate for about an hour or two if you have time.

  7. When ready to serve, mix the salad again and serve alongside your favorite protein. This Greek salad goes along with just about anything, steak, chicken, lamb or fish. It is just as wonderful eaten alone. Enjoy!

Allergy/Health Information:

If you are on an Autoimmune Paleo Diet, I suggest not eating this recipe. It is filled with Nightshades (tomatoes and peppers). Nightshades can be highly inflammatory for some people.

Tipo de receta:


* Índice de categorías de recetas AQUÍ

* Se pueden encontrar recursos en línea de alimentos orgánicos y comestibles  AQUÍ

* ¿Confundido sobre qué alimentos son realmente saludables y qué se debe evitar?  

  Ver mis listas de alimentos GRATIS  AQUÍ

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Descargo de responsabilidad: el contenido de este sitio web se basa en una investigación realizada por Tina Buenzli y Triumph Over Health, LLC, a menos que se indique lo contrario.  La información presentada es solo para fines educativos.  No tiene la intención de diagnosticar o recetar ninguna condición médica o psicológica, ni de prevenir, tratar, mitigar o  cura  tales condiciones. La información contenida en este documento no pretende reemplazar una relación personal con un médico o profesional de la salud calificado. Por lo tanto, esta información no pretende ser un consejo médico, sino más bien un intercambio de conocimientos e información basada en la investigación y la experiencia personal.  Triumph Over Health, LLC lo alienta a tomar sus propias decisiones de atención médica basadas en su criterio e investigación en asociación con un médico o un profesional de la salud calificado.


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