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Healing Bone Broth

The Leaky Gut Remedy

This is the absolute best bone broth recipe I have been able to come up with after lots of trial and error. It has also been my "Go To" for years now. I used it to help heal my Leaky Gut, then as part of my healing protocol after all the surgeries I had to recover from. I use it as a base for soups and dishes, or just on it's own. Getting the finished Bone Broth to look like jiggly jello is when it's filled with the most collagen. Collagen is what helps seal the intestinal walls and facilitate the healing process. It is extremely easy to make and tastes fantastic!

Fecha de Publicación:

January 11, 2018

Creado por: ♥ Tina Buenzli de Triumph Over Health

Tiempo de preparación:

15 minutes

Hora de cocinar:

3 hours 30 minutes

Tamaño de la porción:



Note: Always presume all ingredients listed are organic and/or as natural as can be (GMO, hormone and pesticide free).

Note: It's easy to get confused when reading food labels today. To save you research time and frustration, I have linked as often as possible to my favorite brands. These same products and 1000's more can be found HERE. My favorite non-toxic kitchen equipment is also linked below, as well as many more HERE.

Herramientas de cocina:


  1. Place all the oxtails and bones into a large stainless steel pressure cooker. (If you don't have a pressure cooker, you can use a crock-pot, but the cook time will increase to 24-36 hours. If you plan to make Bone Broth multiple times, a pressure cooker is well worth the cost!)

  2. Add all the rest of the ingredients into the pressure cooker.

  3. Add enough filtered water until the ingredients are covered, or until it hits the max fill line marked on the interior of the pressure cooker.

  4. Securely attach the lid to the pot and place onto a large burner on your stove-top.

  5. Cook on high until the pressure cooker shows it is at full steam. (The pressure cooker linked in this recipe shows 2 red lines and has a slight whistle to it when it is fully heated.)

  6. Turn the stove down to medium-low and cook for 3 1/2 hours, making sure you keep the two red lines showing at the top of the pressure cooker.

  7. When 3 1/2 hours has passed, turn off the stove and remove the pot to a cool burner. Let cool completely.

  8. When it is safe to open the pot (the red lines are no longer showing), open the lid and strain the ingredients through a large stainless steel colander into an XL stainless steel or glass bowl.

  9. Pour the strained liquid into one or more glass or ceramic storage containers. Let the ingredients cool some more, then cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator overnight.

  10. The next morning there will be a white, thick fat layer over the broth. Remove the fat with a spoon by just lifting up the layer. There should be a dark brown jello looking goop now left in the container. 

  11. Scoop out a cup of broth and reheat in a small saucepan over low heat. (NEVER a microwave as it destroys all nutrients in food!)

  12. Enjoy this soothing/healing broth on it's own, or use it as a base in your soups or other recipes calling for broth or liquid.

Tipo de receta:


* Índice de categorías de recetas AQUÍ

* Se pueden encontrar recursos en línea de alimentos orgánicos y comestibles  AQUÍ

* ¿Confundido sobre qué alimentos son realmente saludables y qué se debe evitar?  

  Ver mis listas de alimentos GRATIS  AQUÍ

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Descargo de responsabilidad: el contenido de este sitio web se basa en una investigación realizada por Tina Buenzli y Triumph Over Health, LLC, a menos que se indique lo contrario.  La información presentada es solo para fines educativos.  No tiene la intención de diagnosticar o recetar ninguna condición médica o psicológica, ni de prevenir, tratar, mitigar o  cura  tales condiciones. La información contenida en este documento no pretende reemplazar una relación personal con un médico o profesional de la salud calificado. Por lo tanto, esta información no pretende ser un consejo médico, sino más bien un intercambio de conocimientos e información basada en la investigación y la experiencia personal.  Triumph Over Health, LLC lo alienta a tomar sus propias decisiones de atención médica basadas en su criterio e investigación en asociación con un médico o un profesional de la salud calificado.


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